Veganism and Covid-19
With every passing year, there is a growing inclination towards conscious eating habits backed by health benefits. This has driven veganism as a way of life and will continue to do so in the future. Luckily, the advancement of food science has provided vegan or non-dairy variants of almost every food product and ingredient available. At Vegan Affair, we believe in compassion towards all animals and encourage a harmonious way of living. What’s more, the vegan lifestyle being expensive is nothing but a myth, and this sustainable eating is on-par with market prices.

The deadly coronavirus pandemic has acted as a wake-up call due to its close emergence from animal contact and consumption. It has already created panic and increased self-consciousness with regards to the food we consume. Hence, the near future may see a paradigm shift in food consumption. Since COVID-19 is said to have originated in an animal wet market, It is only a matter of time before people take the road to veganism. People are now contributing to animal safety and encouraging environment-friendly products.
Vegan food eating is filled with significant benefits as compared to animal-based diet for the internal human body or the external environment. Increased consumption of fruits and vegetables in diet provides essential vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and anti-carcinogens for a robust immune system. In the fight against COVID-19, this is a crucial step. Now, vegans are not less likely to catch the virus. It is more accurate to suggest that a healthy balanced diet with regular exercise and low levels of stress might give people a better chance to avoid severe COVID-19 illness compared to others living a less healthy lifestyle. Having better innate immunity helps to fight the infection much better. Real prevention is done by taking steps to minimize the chances of infectious agents and the coronavirus from emerging and spreading. This can only be done by intelligently and compassionately treating nonhuman animals. Thus, there is an obvious link between COVID-19 and veganism: If we were all vegan, there would be no wet markets or factory farms from which viruses could emerge. This shift towards veganism will be able to save many human lives. It will severely reduce the threat of other human health crises associated with animal agriculture, like antibiotic resistance.
The lockdowns in the pandemic have shown that we are able to make a collective shift in our daily lives if we put our minds to it. As a society and as a global community, we can transition away from diets containing animal products, and move towards veganism.