Insensitive Animal Farming / Animal farming and cruelty

3 min readDec 28, 2020

Did you know that before you take a bite of that succulent piece of meat, what levels of injustice they go through? As per the United Nations, the number of animals sent to the slaughter house each year is equivalent to eight times the human population on earth. We bet, none of us would have thought of this alarming fact before saying yes to eating a delicious piece of steak!

If one looks at the condition of the animals in the animal farms where they are kept before they are slaughtered for the meat, you will notice that while animal farming they are subjected to maximum abuse and insensitivity. Despite the fact that the food industry is already facing a shortage of meat with respect to the global demands, it is a crime to see these voiceless creatures being subjected to such evil.

Just like us, these animals too deserve a shot at life and have all the will to live as well. Most of the animal farms where these animals are kept are closed spaces and sheds that have no windows. They are kept there for days where the only source of light is artificial, and then without much of a choice they are packaged off as meat that is then sold to us at supermarkets.

Imagine being kept in a place where you have no freedom at all and even the most basic thing as your freedom and the ability to enjoy the light is taken away from you! While they are kept in these farms they are locked away in cages so small that they don’t even have the space to turn around. Most of them are devoid of the sun, fresh air and even companionship of the other animals as they wait for their terrible fate. Unlike outside in the open where even the weakest of the animals get a fair chance to fight and survive, in the case of animal farming to cater to the meat industry, the weak animals don’t even get the right veterinary care. They are simply left to die.

Even the small chicks are kept in really tiny stacked boxes and are sent to fattening farms where they are fed only to make them guinea pigs before being sold to the slaughter houses. The other poultry animals like ducks and geese are fed with the help of long tubes that are harshly placed in their esophagus so that the food is sent directly to their stomachs and they get fatter quicker.

The cruelty that is observed in most animal farms is something that will force you to think “what was the fault of these creatures that they end up like this?”. It’s time to put an end to this inhumane forms of torture and think of these creatures more than just meat and dairy products. Say no to animal farming cruelty and say yes to giving them a fair life.

